
Showing posts from July, 2017

Week in Review (07/25/2017)

This week, we have been hard at work at Wood Ez Fine Woodworks! We completed a bowling lane bar top, and the cabinetry underneath for a local kitchen. Our head honcho carved this incredible piece for his sister's birthday: And we finished some cool tabletops, among other things!  Outside of work, most of our crew was present to volunteer at a free dinner for hungry folks in the community last night! Thanks to everyone who participated!  Have a great weekend, and Remember, Your Project is our Priority! 

Week in Review (07/06/2017)

We hope you all had a fantastic Independence Day, and we are happy to be back at it again today in the Wood Ez office and shop! Last week in the Week in Review, we had sent some planters to Original Joe's in San Francisco. Well... They're installed! And they turned out amazing!! Back here in Montana, we had fun with the kids and barbecued burgers on the 4th of July, and it was legal this year to light some small fireworks in the back yard. Baby Ireland had a blast on her second ever 4th of July!  And then, last night, several of us were awoken by a strong earthquake with an epicenter in southwestern Montana. The earthquake was reported by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a 5.8 magnitude earthquake with an epicenter 11 km SSE of Lincoln, MT. It happened at almost exactly 12:30 a.m. Mountain Standard time.  The quake was felt as far away as Canada and Washington state. Everyone here was okay, and it doesn't seem like any serious dama...