Last Week in Review (06/19/2017)

Last week was a busy one here at Wood Ez!

We've been working hard on planters for Original Joe's in San Francisco:

Early Stages on OJ's Planters

Troy Working on OJ's Planters

An Almost-Finished OJ's Planter

Baby Ireland Enjoys Playing in an OJ's Planter!

We made some more signs for the Tamarack Lodge in Hungry Horse, MT:

Baby Ireland Smiling with CNC and Tamarack Lodge Signs!

We worked hard on some beautiful little tables for The Lodge at Whitefish Lake in Whitefish, MT:

The Lodge at Whitefish Lake Tables in Our Shop During Manufacture

Buck got to put his welding skills to the test to build pieces for an iPad mount for Eatsa in California:

The Finished Product of the Eatsa iPad Mount

And he also got to practice Fractal Burning on some stunning bowls made by master wood turner John Gibbs of Kalispell, MT:

Yes, last week was a busy one here at Wood Ez, and that is exactly how we like it!


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